ZLTECH 2 wahanga Nema34 4.5Nm 24V dc hiko hiko me te 1000-waea mo te miihini CNC
Ngā āhuatanga
1. Katia te hangarau whakahaere koropiko, rite AC servo pūnaha, e kore e ngaro taahiraa.Kua whakauruhia te encoder tuunga ki te hanga i te motuka nga ahuatanga kati-koropiko o te motuka servo, e whakatau ana i te raru o te ngaro o te hikoi o te motuka stepper tuku iho.
2. Te mahi tere teitei o te nekeneke nui.Ko te taipana whai hua o te motuka ka taea te whakanui ake i te 30%.
3. He pai te whakaiti i te wera o te motuka.Ko te putanga o naianei o te taraiwa ka piki ake me te piki o te kawenga me te tere, me te heke ki te heke.
4. Whakapotohia te wa e rite ana mo te whakatere motuka me te whakaheke.Ko nga whakahau whakaputa me nga whakahau whakauru o te whakautu tuunga kua tata te tukutahi i roto i te waa tuuturu, no reira he mea tino pai mo te wa poto ka mutu te tiimata tere me te kore tere ka mutu Karekau te motuka e wiri i te wa e pakaru ana.Ko te punaha taraiwa stepper servo kua kati nga ahuatanga e pupuri ana i nga ahuatanga o te motuka stepper, ka taea te eke ki te tuunga kua whakaritea me te karo i te oscillation.
5. He pai ake te oma o te motika stepper kati-koropiko me te tika ake.Ko te tino matatau motika motuhake motika DSP kua tangohia, me te hangarau o te mana vector me te tātari maeneene e whakamahia ana ki te ite i te mana nekeneke maeneene o te nekeneke stepper.
6. He tino watea ki te whakamahi me te kore e whakarereke.Ko te punaha stepper servo kati-kopiko he rua nga painga o te waatea o te hikoi hikoi me te pono o te punaha servo, ka taea te whakamahi ngawari me te kore e whakaraerae i te tawhā patuiro.
1.Q: He wheketere koe?
A: Ae.
2.Q: Me pehea te whiriwhiri i te tauira motuka?
A: I mua i te hoko, tena koa whakapiri mai ki a maatau ki te whakaū i te tauira kaore me te tohu kia kore e pohehe.
3.Q: He aha to whakamana?
A: Ko ta matou raihana he 12 marama mai i te tuku mai i te wheketere.
4.Q: He aha to huarahi utu?
A: Ko te utu tauira me utu katoa i mua i te whakaputa.Mo te ota nui, ka taea e koe te korerorero me ZLTECH.
5.Q:Me pehea e mohio ai tatou ki te kounga o te hua?
A: Ka whakaaro a ZLTECH kia tono koe i tetahi tauira.Ano, ka taea e koe te tuku imeera ZLTECH mo nga whakaahua taipitopito mo te tirotiro mena kaore e taea e koe te whiwhi korero nui ki te wharangi hua.
nekeneke katinga koropiko | ZL86HS45-1000 | ZL86HS85-1000 | ZL86HS120-1000 |
Rahi | Nema34 | Nema34 | Nema34 |
koki taahiraa | 1.8° | 1.8° | 1.8° |
Tikanga Turanga (kaore he kawenga) | ±0.09° Max | ±0.09° Max | ±0.09° Max |
te diameter o te rakau(mm) | 14 | 14 | 14 |
toronga take(mm) | Kī papatahi(5*5*25) | Kī papatahi(5*5*25) | Kī papatahi(5*5*25) |
te roa o te take(mm) | 31 | 32 | 41 |
Toru Whakatau(Nm) | 4.5 | 8.5 | 12.2 |
Wāhanga Nāianei(A) | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Ātete Wāhanga(Ω) | 0.41 | 0.49 | 0.76 |
Wāhanga Inductance(mH) | 2.9 | 4 | 8.4 |
Rotor Inertia(g.cm) | 1400 | 2700 | 4000 |
Kaiwaehere | 1000-waea Optical | 1000-waea Optical | 1000-waea Optical |
Taumaha(kg) | 2.8 | 3.8 | 4.5 |
Roa Motini(mm) | 106 | 145 | 183 |
Ko nga motuka DC Brushless e whakamahia nuitia ana i roto i te hanga hiko, taputapu rongoa, taputapu kapi, taputapu logistics, robots ahumahi, taputapu photovoltaic me etahi atu mara automation.